Java Virtual Threads Project Loom

Virtual Threads are actually well managed, and don’t crash the virtual machine by using too much resources, and so the ALTMRetinex filter processing finished. Let’s rewrite this processing test, this time with a bunch of threads, and this is first case, we’re going all out, not limiting the number of threads java project loom we use for the processing. As the suspension of a continuation would also require it to be stored in a call stack so it can be resumed in the same order, it becomes a costly process. To cater to that, the project Loom also aims to add lightweight stack retrieval while resuming the continuation.

The run method returns true when the continuation terminates, and false if it suspends. The suspend method allows passing information from the yield point to the continuation , and back from the continuation to the suspension point . A thread is a sequence of computer instructions executed sequentially.

java project loom

Concurrency is the process of scheduling multiple largely independent tasks on a smaller or limited number of resources. Whereas parallelism is the process of performing a task faster by using more resources such as multiple processing units. The job is broken down into multiple smaller tasks, executed simultaneously to complete it more quickly. To summarize, parallelism is about cooperating on a single task, whereas concurrency is when different tasks compete for the same resources. In Java, parallelism is done using parallel streams, and project Loom is the answer to the problem with concurrency.

Project Loom introduces lightweight and efficient virtual threads called fibers, massively increasing resource efficiency while preserving the same simple thread abstraction for developers. In order to suspend a computation, a continuation is required to store an entire call-stack context, or simply put, store the stack. To support native languages, the memory storing the stack must be contiguous and remain at the same memory address. While virtual memory does offer some flexibility, there are still limitations on just how lightweight and flexible such kernel continuations (i.e. stacks) can be.

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The downside is that Java threads are mapped directly to the threads in the OS. This places a hard limit on the scalability of concurrent Java apps. Not only does it imply a one-to-one relationship between app threads and operating system threads, but there is no mechanism for organizing threads for optimal arrangement. For instance, threads that are closely related may wind up sharing different processes, when they could benefit from sharing the heap on the same process. As we want fibers to be serializable, continuations should be serializable as well.

  • Rather it is a Java runtime construct that the OS doesn’t know about.
  • Once on the virtual thread and once in the OS thread that’s underneath it, which is also a Java thread.
  • Structured concurrency can help simplify the multi-threading or parallel processing use cases and make them less fragile and more maintainable.
  • When you open up the JavaDoc of inputStream.readAllBytes() , it gets hammered into you that the call is blocking, i.e. won’t return until all the bytes are read – your current thread is blocked until then.
  • Project Loom allows the use of pluggable schedulers with fiber class.
  • In real life, what you will get normally is actually, for example, a very deep stack with a lot of data.

So we have a mechanism that will give you stack traces in JSON format that contains sufficient information to reconstruct that tree structure and display it as a tree. All it does, in fact, the project is close to 100,000 lines of code about half of which is tests. And all they do is basically add two methods to the Java libraries and they don’t change the language at all. So they add this new source of constructor for a thread and they add a query method on thread called isVirtual. So you can ask if the thread is virtual or not, and that’s it. So there aren’t any new APIs you have to learn, but you do need to unlearn many habits that, over the years, have become sort of a second nature that we’re doing for the only reason that threads are expensive.

Project Loom: Understand the new Java concurrency model

Instead, the task is pulled from the tail of the deque. Another possible solution is the use of asynchronous concurrent APIs. CompletableFuture and RxJava are quite commonly used APIs, to name a few. These APIs do not block the thread in case of a delay. Instead, it gives the application a concurrency construct over the Java threads to manage their work.

Besides the actual stack, it actually shows quite a few interesting properties of your threads. For example, it shows you the thread ID and so-called native ID. It turns out, these IDs are actually known by the operating system.

In any event, a fiber that blocks its underlying kernel thread will trigger some system event that can be monitored with JFR/MBeans. Fibers are, then, what we call Java’s planned user-mode threads. This section will list the requirements of fibers and explore some design questions and options.

Will Project Loom Virtual Threads improve the perfomance of parallel Streams?

You have to start thinking that threads are free. To give you an example, suppose you are now handling a request. And the code you’re writing is a thread per request, synchronous as we normally do. And then you say, okay, to handle this request, I have to contact 20 microservices if they want to contact them in parallel. So I don’t start the request one only after it’s terminated another. So, what you do is you just spawn 20 more threads.

With virtual threads you should never ever, ever pool them. If you find yourself pooling virtual threads, then you’re doing something wrong. I mean, it might behave correctly, but you’re sort of missing the point. But we do have new executors in the executor class and project Loom that will spawn a new thread for every new task you submit to it.

What about the Thread.sleep example?

However, you will still be probably using multiple threads to handle a single request. In some cases, it will be easier but it’s not like an entirely better experience. On the other hand, you now have 10 times or 100 times more threads, which are all doing something. You won’t, for example, see them on a thread dump. When you’re doing a thread dump, which is probably one of the most valuable things you can get when troubleshooting your application, you won’t see virtual threads which are not running at the moment.

java project loom

Typically, we want two things to run concurrently. But we hope that the UI people will change that and will allow doing that. There are however other uses for custom schedulers. Some operations that need to access the GPU can only happen on specific OS threads.

User Threads and Kernel Threads

So just like structured programming, gives you that for sequential control flow, structured concurrency does the same for concurrency. So, you can see in the way that your code blocks are organized where a thread starts and where they end. And how does this help you with debuggers and profilers, because that expresses some logical relationship between various threads. You know that the child threads are doing some work on behalf of their parents and the parents are waiting for that work. And at any point in time, if you choose to use structured concurrency, then your threads will have a sort of a tree structure.

It’s not our idea, it’s an old idea that’s been resurrected and popularized recently. If you submit a task you a thread pool through an executor service, you get back a future, and then say, you decide to cancel the task. If it’s already been started on some thread, what that’s going to try to do is interrupt the thread that is executing that task.

2. Scalability Issues with Platform Threads

Technically, it is possible, and I can run millions of threads on this particular laptop. First of all, there’s this concept of a virtual thread. A virtual thread is very lightweight, it’s cheap, and it’s a user thread. By lightweight, I mean you can really allocate millions of them without using too much memory. A carrier thread is the real one, it’s the kernel one that’s actually running your virtual threads.

Java Virtual Threads – Project Loom

While implementing async/await is easier than full-blown continuations and fibers, that solution falls far too short of addressing the problem. In other words, it does not solve what’s known as the “colored function” problem. Use the same Thread class for both kinds of threads — user-mode and kernel-mode — and choose an implementation as a dynamic property set in a constructor or a setter called prior to invoking start. As there are two separate concerns, we can pick different implementations for each. Currently, the thread construct offered by the Java platform is the Thread class, which is implemented by a kernel thread; it relies on the OS for the implementation of both the continuation and the scheduler. If you are doing the actual debugging, so you want to step over your code, you want to see, what are the variables?

When these features are production ready, it will be a big deal for libraries and frameworks that use threads or parallelism. Library authors will see huge performance and scalability improvements while simplifying the codebase and making it more maintainable. Most Java projects using thread pools and platform threads will benefit from switching to virtual threads. Candidates include Java server software like Tomcat, Undertow, and Netty; and web frameworks like Spring and Micronaut. I expect most Java web technologies to migrate to virtual threads from thread pools. Java web technologies and trendy reactive programming libraries like RxJava and Akka could also use structured concurrency effectively.

What Loom Addresses

The virtual machine will make sure that our current flow of execution can continue, but this separate thread actually runs somewhere. At this point in time, we have two separate execution paths running at the same time, concurrently. It essentially means that we are waiting for this background task to finish.

And this is actually how we’re supposed to write concurrent code, it’s just that we haven’t been doing the right thing because threads have been so costly. Now we need to go back and rethink how to program when threads aren’t cheap. So, it’s kind of funny, I say, in terms of project Loom, you don’t really need to learn anything new. If fibers are represented by the same Thread class, a fiber’s underlying kernel thread would be inaccessible to user code, which seems reasonable but has a number of implications. For one, it would require more work in the JVM, which makes heavy use of the Thread class, and would need to be aware of a possible fiber implementation.